Elizabeth wrote:

> Hello.  I've been lurking for a bit.  


> I got ignored
> out one of the perl groups, because I came off too arrogant or
> something.  Which is funny, because one of the three virtues of a
> programmer is hubris.  So the creator of Perl says.  :-)  

Ah, but only a very specific *kind* of hubris. Pride in one's work. 
Arrogance doesn't cut it. :)

On the other hand, I've had people be offended by what I say over 
the net. Mostly misunderstandings, I'm sure....

> There's a test server that's in the project
> leader's apartment that I configured for ssh access, but the ip isn't
> resolving right.  Something to do with the pl's isp.  It works I leave
> it over there...alone...and it doesn't work anymore.

Is it the name that isn't resolving? What's the exact error? Have you 
tried ssh -v, to get a decent set of error messages?

> It seems a pretty
> straitforward thing to ask...no shell access, but I'm finding it
> extrememly difficult to find good documentation on it.  

Set their 'shell' to /bin/false or /bin/true. Either will block them
from having a shell, yet give them a username and password.

> It
> seems that IMAP would be better to use in this case, but there doesn't
> seem to be a lot of choices.  A lot of people seem to be using pop. 
> Which one?  I've read a little about it, but again...there's nothing
> realy concrete. 

It depends on what you want them to be able to do, and whether you want
them to use your mail client or some other mail client. Some mail clients
don't speak IMAP.

> It's been a lot of
> fun, but jeesh I didn't study this hard in school.

Getting into the working world is a shock, isn't it? :)

> Point
> is...I've totally lost focus on this thing and need a little guidance. 

Hopefully this will help.

Jenn V.
     "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture
             you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Jenn Vesperman     http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/

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