At 5/21/01 04:46 PM , Mary Gardiner wrote:
>At the same time, some boxes probably do need to have a message to let people
>know they can't have shell when they log in.
>Is it then better to write a script, or for me to do it myself in C, when I'm
>not a terribly experienced C programmer, especially wrt the UNIX
>interfaces to uids, and signals, and have never really had to write
>anything that avoids
>Or should every admin know C?
Well, I know pathetically little C -- basically, enough to write "Hello,
World!" -- but then again, that's enough to write a program the prints out
"Your account has been suspended." You could write two or three canned
messages like this, each in a different executable, and name them
"suspended-for-spamming", "suspended-for-cracking", and whatever else was
appropriate, and have each one be a potential login shell.
(Probably the "real C programmer" way to do it would be to have just one
script, with a variety of canned messages, that checked what name it had
been invoked under and displayed the appropriate message. Then make all
those names be symlinks to the one script. But I have no clue how to do
that in C.)
--Kai MacTane
"Doom. Gloom. Angst. Despair. Tragedy."
--A. Random Goth
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