Elizabeth wrote:

> I can't ping the thing.  It worked
> the day it was configured and the next,
> but then it stopped.
> If one has access to 
> the hardware itself one can break it.

Is it still plugged in?

> Yes.  After the server is configured and the site programming complete
> all access to the server (except me and
> one or two other trusted people) will be through the web.  I realy don't
> want the cgi scripts touching /etc/passwd.
> I would like to use a mail server that uses an alternate user
> database/file.


Is their mail entirely web-based? Would using /etc/aliases work for you?
Use an /etc/aliases entry to direct mail to the web-based mail client...

> Both.  My mail client will be through the web site (Perl CGI), also, I
> would like them to be able to use Netscape
> Messenger or Outlook.

Ah. So directing all mail to the web-based client isn't going to work
/that/ well. Hrm... 

Maybe I triggered a thought in someone else?

> Also, this is a college organization, so I'm not getting paid.  I'm
> doing this for fun....frustrating and sadistic as it 
> may be...it's still fun.

Gotcha. :)

Jenn V.
     "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture
             you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Jenn Vesperman     http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/

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