On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 09:11:48AM +1000 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Mary Gardiner thought:
> On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 12:24:13PM -0700, jennyw wrote:
> > I always thought vim was just another vi with a few extras. I guess it's got
> > more than a few extras ... I'm installing it now. It'll be nice to try
> > something familiar ...
> > 
> > Jen
> Some of the features include syntax highlighting, support for the arrow
> keys whilst in edit mode, and straight from vi, regular expressions.
> In terms of HTML though, where you nearly always want non-greedy
> matches, can someone remind me how I do this. Web searches invariably
> turn up "and you can use regular expression in vim, perl and blah. You
> may want non-greedy expressions, in which case, try blah in Perl!" and
> -perl will turn up the same page with perl5, and so on.
Somewhere in www.linux.ie there exists a vi(m) tutorial which goes into
greedy/ non-greedy regexps or else there're links to one.  I may have a
printout somewhere that might have a URL.  I'll post if I find it.

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