On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 12:24:13PM -0700, jennyw wrote:
> I always thought vim was just another vi with a few extras. I guess it's got
> more than a few extras ... I'm installing it now. It'll be nice to try
> something familiar ...
> Jen
Some of the features include syntax highlighting, support for the arrow
keys whilst in edit mode, and straight from vi, regular expressions.
In terms of HTML though, where you nearly always want non-greedy
matches, can someone remind me how I do this. Web searches invariably
turn up "and you can use regular expression in vim, perl and blah. You
may want non-greedy expressions, in which case, try blah in Perl!" and
-perl will turn up the same page with perl5, and so on.
Mary Gardiner
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