mc wrote:


> I would like to see some security books at the library.  Now that is
> something more people need to read up on.
> mc

Any library worth its salt takes book requests.  Few libraries have computer
experts on staff that can recommend proper computer materials for their
patrons.  Different communities have different needs.  We can only tell what
the public is interested in if the public tells us.  Please note that it can
take a long time between requesting books and seeing those books on the
shelve.  By the time that the book is ordered, received then entered into the
system 6 months or more can have easily gone by.

But the long and the short of it is to let your local librarian know what books
are worth their weight in gold and which ones are just taking up shelf space.
Oh yeah, and don't forget to donate whatever materials you can from your own
collections.  Libraries work on very limited budgets and the government (the
Canadian one anyway) has tied our hands when it comes to fundraising.  Sorry
enough of that rant ......

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