I have to disagree on the home network part. Sharing resources at home,
especially when more than one person wants the internet connection is
becoming "the thing to do." The list of how to's available on the web is
way to long to mention here, but I have about 30 bookmarks I have found.
Shoot, my ISP (WorldNet) even has an internal help newsgroup devoted to
helping folks set up a home network. I have seen people who can't even find
the start button on a Windoze machine get two computers connected and
sharing a dial up connection.
I would like to see some security books at the library. Now that is
something more people need to read up on.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2000 6:26 AM
Subject: [techtalk] Re: Computer Books
> Thanks(: I'll keep all of your ideas in mind, although I do think that
> shy away from Uber-technical books because I'm sure that anyone who would
> REALLY be interested in reading them will already be able to buy them. I
> might go for a more technical HTML/Applets/Servlets(sp?:) book because
> can play with that at home.... but 99.99999 percent of the patrons won't
> able to build their own home networks(:
> Melanie
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