> Thanks(: I'll keep all of your ideas in mind, although I do think that I'll
> shy away from Uber-technical books because I'm sure that anyone who would
> REALLY be interested in reading them will already be able to buy them. I
> might go for a more technical HTML/Applets/Servlets(sp?:) book because ppl.
> can play with that at home.... but 99.99999 percent of the patrons won't be
> able to build their own home networks(:
Melanie, you might be surprised. Home networks are fairly common.
There was a writer in Byte several years ago that recommended networking
instead of upgrading. He was right. I, and many others, have networked
systems at their home office, including Linux, laptops, print share
computers, backup file servers, and other networked systems. All your
old stuff networks nicely!
It seems to me that the FAST moving world of computers would argue
against buying library books on computing systems, but I KNOW people
will use them if they are good. O'Reilly for sure. Que too. Even the
Idiots books aren't bad.
> Melanie
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