On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 07:34:48AM -0800, RobertWichert wrote:
> Speaking of books...
> Does anyone know of a book on Red Hat Linux 7?  I have Linux 7
> installed, but it seems to be just different enough from 6 that the step
> by step instructions (yes, I am new to Linux) for 6 are not enough to
> get me going.  I think the easy way out is to buy the high priced
> version with Tech Support, but I didn't do that, and now I'm paying the
> price in frustration and time.  As a matter of fact, my system has been
> on the linuxconfig screen for over one month now.  :(
> Thanks for any guidance.  I think a good "step by step" book for Linux 7
> would be perfect, but I find nothing in the stores.

        I'd take 7.0 back and pick up 6.2 if it were me and I really
        wanted redhat.  I know the guys at work who use redhat couldn't
        get X to work with a couple different vid cards and as a result
        7.0 isn't running on any computer at work.  The cards weren't
        anything unusual and the person installing has used linux for
        quite a while and knows his way around.  On the flip side having
        to work at an installation can teach you a lot.  My first stab at
        it was debian hamm.  Talk about an ordeal:)  Of the
        installations I've done I think maybe Mandrake was about the

  "In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
      you must first create the universe."  
                 - Carl Sagan

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