Typicaly you can't go too wrong with dell or IBM (personaly I have an HP
which I won't recommend)
also check out tuxtops they have laptops with linux installed.. and also
sell debian and redhat distros that are specific to certian laptops:
you might notice that they are catagorized.. I'm guessing that each
catorgy is diffrent companies selling the same laptops under diffrent
/"\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Anmol Khirbat wrote:
> Hi
> I'm thinking about buying a laptop for running linux. I've been surfing
> the net and researching for three days now but I am as confused as ever.
> I would appreciate it very much if you could share your linux+laptop
> experinces with me.
> bye :)
> Anmol
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