Slackware 7.1 on an IBM Thinkpad 385XD. Installation went fine, setting up
X was a pain. Also, the Thinkpad comes (came) with the first serial port
(ttyS0/COM1) disabled in order to enable the IR port (they use the same
IRQ). In order to change this setting I had to create a MS DOS-bootable
disk and download a DOS program that is used to alter BIOS settings (why
IBM did it this is a mystery to me!!!). I still haven't set up sound
support, but I understand the OSS driver is available for purchase. I have
a 3COM PCMCIA network card and an IBM PCMCIA modem, both of which work
wonderfully ;-)
I really like the keyboard and display on the Thinkpad. The keyboard is
quite comfortable to use, and the display is very clear. Overall I am very
pleased with Slackware 7.1 on my Thinkpad.
Eric R. Turner
On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Anmol Khirbat wrote:
> Hi
> I'm thinking about buying a laptop for running linux. I've been surfing
> the net and researching for three days now but I am as confused as ever.
> I would appreciate it very much if you could share your linux+laptop
> experinces with me.
> bye :)
> Anmol
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