On Tue, Oct 17, 2000 at 10:44:38AM -0700, Anmol Khirbat wrote:
> I'm thinking about buying a laptop for running linux. I've been surfing
> the net and researching for three days now but I am as confused as ever. 
> I would appreciate it very much if you could share your linux+laptop
> experinces with me.

A lot of people have already commented on the Dell Latitude and Inspiron
ranges. I would add a "me too!" to those endorsements. We use the
Inspiron range all the time at work and have had almost no problems with

One thing to watch out for, though (with the Inspirons): the latest
models -- the Inspiron 3800 and soon-to-be-released Inspiron 4000 --
have a sound chip in them that does not yet have an Open Source driver
(the Maestro 3 chip ... the 3700 model had a Maestro 2e chip, which
_does_ have a driver). However, the good news is that Red Hat are
working on producing a driver for this chip at the moment.


Malcolm Tredinnick            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CommSecure Pty Ltd

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