On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, sara ruohotie wrote:

> i used to be a linux user very much (i was when i joined this list over a
> year ago) but then i started dating this guy, who's nowadays my husband
> and he turned me into using freebsd (he knows many of the freebsd
> developers and thus has been using always freebsd). and this is my
> perspective:
> first of all because i'm married to this guy, who knows like 'everything'
> about fbsd most of my problems are solved on it, unlike on linux. 

What we advise people is to "go with what you know".  If you don't know
anything, we suggest you pick one and stick to it.  It helps if you pick
something that folks around you are using as it will be easier to find

In my case, my husband of nearly a decade started by patching the 0.11
kernel (to run on his bastard Tandy), so we're a Linux family.

I am *so* happy to find this list as it gives me someplace to ask
questions where he doesn't think I'm doing an end-run around him. (Is this
a guy thing?  I mean, if I ask someone else for advice on crocking an
arm-roast, it's no big deal, but if he discovers I've asked someone else
about something remotely technical, he's all bothered because he sees it
as an indication that I think he's incompetent.  Feh!)

J-Mag Guthrie     

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