Hi Susannah and all,
 Du hast am Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 06:08:41PM -0400 folgendes geschrieben:
> ehhh... i think the ports collection is about as easy to use as apt-get,
> if not easier. it's a very similar concept, anyway.
That's true, but let me put it that way: _upgrading_ packages with 
*BSD is a real pain. With dpkg/apt-get or the RPM, it's one command,
with FreeBSD you have to uninstall and install again. Given that the typical
sysadmin is lazy, when it comes to security-updates -- what is more likely
on a saturday night?
Simply typing one command before riding home to your candle light dinner
or uninstalling, compiling (just another annoyance on not so fast boxes,
and thanks to Murphy, Saturday night's security breach will certainly be
a flaw in X), installing, and coming home when your love felt already asleep?
> another UI difference is that Linux is sort-of-SysVish and BSD is...
> well... BSD. the device names are different (i hate this. SysV does have
> much better device names), the way init works is different, the layout
And BSD-init is -- hello Slackware! -- annoying, too.
There's that service down. You go, kill remaining processes by hand
(consider yourself lucky when you find a matching PID in /var/run),
grep the fitting commandline in rc.*, copy and paste it and realize that 
you copied something wrong. Sh*t! With Sys-V-init, all you do is 
an init.d/servicename restart, and you 're up and running again.

FreeBSD is a beautiful thing, but when it comes to usability, it could
learn a lot from Linux-distributions. 

Just my 2p


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