High level over view of bsd vs. linux:
(this isn't a pro/con thing just an overview.. I belive every system has
it's place)

linux uses the GNU license the BSD uses BSD licence....
this means that anyone can include bsd w/out including source in a
commercial package.. 

Development model:
BSD: official versions are developed and maintained by group of
developers.. the development tends to be slower.. and well planned

OpenBSD:tends to go beyond this.. they are extremly security anal.. if a
bug is found in one piece of code.. it's assumed that a similar bug would
be found else where so they comb the code to find similar bugs... OpenBSD
also includes encryption components built into the core of the OS

Linux:has a very open development family.. it's direction (though somewhat
limited by linus) is setup so that those who contribute the most code
steer the direction of the OS

BSD is based the original code of the orginial BSD unix.. 
linux is built from scratch starting in 92

typical "usage" (this is very subjective):
NetBSD:to provide a unix OS on every platform possible
FreeBSD:to provide a highquality BSDOS on select platforms (initialy only
intel based) for general/server use
OpenBSD:to provite a highly secure / limited functionality (ie. security
over function) typical used in servers / IDS appliances / and overly
parinoid user's boxes :)
Linux:to provide whatever functionalty users want :) generaluse/server

Ease of install:
NetBSD(haven't done it.. I would guess difficualt would be very dependant
on the hardware your trying to install it on)
OpenBSD: pretty tricky :)
FreeBSD - about equal to a slackware install infact some of the menus look
very alike
Linux: depends on distro/hardware my ranking: hardest first:(on ideal
debian, slackware, RedHat, Mandrake, Storm, SUSE, Caldera, Corel

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