On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 02:35:21PM -0700, Jeff Frasca wrote:
> I would argue with that.  Slackware is a very raw system -- the only
> config tools included are the ones that come with the source code of the
> various packages (xf86config comes to mind).  So, if you want a little
> B&D style ``learn to admin *nix'' experience, install slack.  (don't get
> mad, I use slackware myself and love it).  The *BSD's are great for this
> too, don't get me wrong, but there are linux systems suited for it.  The
> *truly* hardcore can also put together their own linux system from
> scratch -- there's a howto floating around out there about it.
Exactly! I started on RedHat but after a while wanted a change,
something that would let me learn more about Linux. Slack is great for
that. With it, I learned to keep track on what was installed on my
system, knew exactly which services were started, where and why, about
configuring X, modelines, sound, network.. and the list goes
on. It's also very robust so you can experiment a lot without anything
breaking. And if something breaks, you undo what you just did, and the
system is back to normal again. The downside is that it takes a bit
more time to administer. You compile most everything by hand (it's
really easy to make slack packages, though. I made a point of making
packages of everything that I did not want to put to /usr/local). The
packaging system doesn't check dependencies so you have/get to find
out about them yourself.  Also if you wantsomething added in your startup
scripts you usually have to add it yourself. So, for anyone who wants
to try tinkering a bit with a *nix system, I recommend Slack. 

Recently I installed Debian on my work computer and while I know that
I will come to love apt in time, I sometimes sigh its arrogance in
knowing everything and miss my slackware system where I get to do
everything the hard way :)   

Happy Slacking! 


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