Hey Tania,

> I'm trying to get my desktop computer at work (which
> is connected with an ethernet card and has a static
> ip) 'visible' from the outside (but not necessarily
> outside our firewall.
> I can't connect to it from other servers here, it's
> natted, or whatever you call it.
Can you give a little more info about the network setup. If it is indeed
NAT'd behind the firewall then you should still be able to connect if you
are on the same side of that firewall. Usually it's a 192.168.x.x or
10.0.x.x address. You'll need the same subnet mask. If it's NAT'd behind a
router and you're on a different segment than you have to enable
portforwarding on the box that is doing the NAT'ing. Otherwise you won't
be able to see it. 
> I've been playing with ifconfig but have yet to read
> those 2 chapters on ip and networking and really don't
> know what I'm doing.
> I would ask the guys around here but I'm tired of
> talking to them today already... ;)
> -T
> =====
> Tania Morell
>  www.shadow.net/~tania
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