> Correct. I have never understood why winmodems exist at all. They > make no sense at all from any standpoint I can think of, except > perhaps Intel's bottom line. and mickeysoft bottom line too (how many users of winmodem complain they don't work in linux and continue using windoze). Alain -- Three things are certain: Death, taxes, and lost data. Guess which has occured. ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Alain Toussaint
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Theresa Radke
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Theresa Radke
- RE: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Ian Phillips
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Kelly Lynn Martin
- RE: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Ian Phillips
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Kelly Lynn Martin
- RE: [techtalk] winmodem sound dri... Ian Phillips
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Alain Toussaint
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Chris J/#6
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Steve Kudlak
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Theresa Radke
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Caitlyn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Richard H. Fifarek
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Chris J/#6
- RE: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Theresa Radke
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Caitlyn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Cynthia Dale