A real waste of processor cycles?? How so?? you make it sound as if running a driver for a winmodem is not a good thing to do, could you please explain? _________________________________________________________________ SignUP For your CorelCity FREE email at http://www.corelcity.com ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Theresa Radke
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Kir Kolyshkin
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Cynthia Dale
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Alain Toussaint
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Theresa Radke
- RE: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Theresa Radke
- RE: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Ian Phillips
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Kelly Lynn Martin
- RE: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Ian Phillips
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driv... Kelly Lynn Martin
- RE: [techtalk] winmodem sound ... Ian Phillips
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem so... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Alain Toussaint
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Chris J/#6
- Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver Steve Kudlak