Hi, Theresa,

> ewwwwwww, this really does sound bad, So you're saying I'd be better
> off to slap in an old USR 28800, than i would be to install a driver for
my 56k
> winmodem?

I don't know if I'd go that far.  What will happen with your Winmodem is
that when you go online, everything else will slow down.  This happens in
Windows, too, so having a Linux driver only means the Winmodems suck equally
harshly under Linux and Windows.

OTOH, 28.8 is slow.  56K modems can, IRL, get up to around 53K, so your
Winmodem will download stuff and load pages a whole lot faster than your old
28.8, but at the cost of system performance and your ability to do something
else at the same time.

IMHO, buy a real 56K modem.  I use a USR 56K Sportster, and it is problem
free.  I'd really love to have DSL or a cable modem, but neither are
available in my town just yet.


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