>The main problem with this might be that the person who is sending
>the formatted email may not realize they are doing it. Outlook users
>(hint, hint!) especially have no idea that they're sending formatted

As a sidenote to this, Outlook (and other windows apps) settings are often
changed mysteriously when other applications are installed or upgrades are
done.  The first thing I do when I'm stuck in Outlook (which I am at work)
is change the send format to text only, but every time I am forced to
upgrade IE (for more work stuff.. ick).. or maybe the wind blows just
right... I notice I have to go change them all again.

And to answer the "what's everyone using" inquiry... when I'm not stuck at
work and in windows, I use lynx for a browser and pine for email... and I
fire up a gui and run netscape when I encounter a website that is impossible
to navigate in lynx.  (which too darn many are)

Michelle Steiner

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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