Excerpts from linuxchix: 9-Oct-99 [grrltalk] request for ideas by Deb
> I'm hacking together an outline for it at the moment, and I would like
> to know what you think such a Guide should include. Input from users of
> all experience levels would be appreciated. When you started with
> Linux, what stumbling blocks did you encounter?
Printing. Printing sucks. The Printing HOWTO didn't work. I ended up
giving up, since I didn't really have anything to print, and I don't
have a printer anymore anyway. cat > /dev/lp0 worked ok when I did.
> All suggestions, comments, ideas are appreciated.
I think it should teach people how to fish, rather than give them fish.
Saying something is "just like Windows" is no use to those who do not
use windows.
> If anyone is interested in contributing to such a Guide, let me know.
I'd be interested. Though some people have accused me of not being
"newbie-friendly", probably because I assume people know not to look for
an 'any' key..
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org