On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Deb Richardson imparted the following wisdom:
->Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 13:47:39 -0400
->From: Deb Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
->Subject: [techtalk] request for ideas
->Hi all.
->I'm thinking about writing a "New User's Guide to Linux" (to be released
->under an appropriate open-content license, of course :).
->I'm hacking together an outline for it at the moment, and I would like
->to know what you think such a Guide should include. Input from users of
->all experience levels would be appreciated. When you started with
->Linux, what stumbling blocks did you encounter? What did you find most
->difficult to figure out? Is there anything that new users need to
->know/should know that other docs don't address very well?
->All suggestions, comments, ideas are appreciated.
->- deb
Most of the material and books I've read on Linux seem to skim
over pre-installation. Something that would help (especially
those coming from M$) would be a thorough explanation of disk
partioning, Linux filesystem ( it took several installs for
me to finally get the partioning for / , /usr , /home etc..
set the way I needed it) and steps for determining io and irqs
of the sound cards, modems, etc... Most people coming from
Windoze never have to manually configure such things and will
find it very confusing if the distro they choose doesn't auto-
detect all their hardware.
I am, of course, assuming this will all be geared towards users
completely unfamiliar with Linux or *nix.
...The National Linux Service has issued a severe
tuxedo warning. Please go to the center of your
house and stay away from Windows!
Terry .'o oOOOo`.
Randall :~~~-.oOo o`.
`. \ ~-. oOOo.
`.; / ~. OO:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] .' ;-- `.o.'
,' ; ~~--'~
; ; # 98233
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org