PPP!! That's the first thing I wanted to figure out, but I had RedHat 5.2 - now most distributions come with KDE or Gnome, so they got easy stuff like kppp or gnome-ppp to work with. What I find funny though, is that at first netconf's ppp dial-up configuration didn't work. Maybe it was the upgrade to 6.0 that made the difference. Nadine [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://anacaona.org/home http://tww.tao.ca ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [techtalk] request for ideas Deb Richardson
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Nadine
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Terry Randall
- RE: [techtalk] request for ideas JoAnn Elliott
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Karl-Heinz Zimmer
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Ellen Gibboney
- [techtalk] Re: [grrltalk] request for ideas Lee-Anne Hodgson
- [techtalk] Re: [grrltalk] request for ideas Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Gail Allinson