Excerpts from linuxchix: 9-Oct-99 Re: [techtalk] request for .. by "erica raspberry"@sedona > How about how to save a file to a floppy disk? Use mtools. It's easier than mounting stuff, and most likely you won't mind using a dos formatted floppy. > I downloaded a file the other day...and I had no clue as to how to save it > to a disk...I know the floppy was mounted (and do you have to do that > everytime you reboot?...another question.) You need to mount/unmount something whenever you "change" it. In the case of hard drives, they are automatically mounted on startup (look in /etc/fstab), because you can't really change the media in your hard drive. In the case of floppies and cdroms, you can change it, so you have to do it yourself (This also means that generally, you should unmount something before taking it out, and mount something after putting it in.) ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- RE: [techtalk] request for ideas JoAnn Elliott
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Karl-Heinz Zimmer
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Ellen Gibboney
- [techtalk] Re: [grrltalk] request for ideas Lee-Anne Hodgson
- [techtalk] Re: [grrltalk] request for ideas Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Gail Allinson
- RE: [techtalk] request for ideas JoAnn Elliott
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas erica raspberry
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Deidre L. Calarco
- RE: [techtalk] request for ideas Samantha Jo Moore
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Deidre L. Calarco
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Jim Browning
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Vinnie Surmonde
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Just This Girl
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Jim Browning
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Just This Girl
- Re: [techtalk] request for ideas Wendt,Andrew
- Re: [techtalk] request for ide... Vinnie Surmonde