I don't know if this is related or will help or not, but on my
unlocked n82 it has recently taken to where it will not connect
initially using a wifi connection even with wifi turned on and select
access point always set to ask. If I select my wifi access point it
will say no gateway replied. If I connect initially by using AT&T edge
connection (it does not have 3g for the us on this phone) then I go
into tools once in the browser and switch connection and select the
wifi it works. I have tried to narrow down what has caused this
behavior, which at one time did not happen, and I have not been able
to find any setting that is hard set to anything.

On 9/12/10, tariq <tariq_...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> i think this is the answer i do this too david.  Unless I'm being completely
> stupid but cant understand here what the big deal is.  Its a simple case of
> finding a work around which works.
> Tariq
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Griffith" <d.griff...@btinternet.com>
> To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
> Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 7:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [Talks] a major problem.
>> This is what I did on my N86.
>> Most of the time it prpre-selected  my wireless LAN.
>> Very occasionally it tried to connect through t Mobile but it seems to
>> have
>> got the point now and is  now pretty much offering LAN as the default all
>> the time now.
>> Regards
>> David Griffith
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com]
>> On
>> Behalf Of tariq
>> Sent: Sunday, 12 September 2010 15:40
>> To: Talks Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [Talks] a major problem.
>> if you change the settings to always ask you will be asked which
>> connection
>> you wish to use each time you wish to connect.  Only way round it I
>> reckon.
>> This way you can connect to your wireless lan or alternative connection.
>> Tariq
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Bernard Hemmings" <li...@bhemmings.net>
>> To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 11:32 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Talks] a major problem.
>>> Hi Stephen even if you remove the sim and format the phone the telstra
>>> destinations stay in place.  The only way they can be removed is via a
>>> text message sent by them then you read back the password then they can
>>> remove them.  I assumed when I got the replacement phone there would be
>>> no
>>> destinations or no defined access points.  I even installed talks with
>>> out
>>> the sim card in the phone and while in ten minute mode checked this.  I
>>> then formatted the phone hoping to delete the telstra settings but they
>>> were still there.  Had the access points and destinations not been
>>> present
>>> on this replaced handset I was going to create them manually and had
>>> noted
>>> what was to go in each field from the last handset.  This is why I asked
>>> the techs at nokia service if they could delete the destinations after
>>> they had removed all the access points this is when they told me they can
>>> not remove them.
>>> Bernard Hemmings
>>> email: bern...@bhemmings.net
>>> Skype: Bernard Hemmings
>>> Ftp server email: ser...@bhemmings.net
>>> ftp server address: livingaudio.bhemmings.net
>>> Home: 61-02-95841280
>>> Mobile: 61-0412177799
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Stephen Giggar" <sgig...@gmail.com>
>>> To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
>>> Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 7:50 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Talks] a major problem.
>>>> Bernard
>>>> Just a thought! If you get a new handset or you try a format! Leave the
>>>> Sim card out in either case. This away when the phone comes up initially
>>>> after the format with no sim in it or it is a brand new phone with no
>>>> sim
>>>> in it. Then install Talks with no Sim in it. Then try setting up your
>>>> WiFi access point and see if it works with no Sim ever being in the
>>>> phone. This away it is hoped that there will be no access point in the
>>>> phone at all when starting out.
>>>> If this works with Talks with no sim ever being in the phone! Then put
>>>> the sim in the phone and power it up. When you get the messages from
>>>> telstra Cancel out of them with SoftKey2, do not accept them. Then go
>>>> into your inbox on the phone and delete the messages! Do not open them.
>>>> Now try again with using your access point with Talks and see what
>>>> happens.
>>>> Good luck!
>>>> Signed: Stephen Giggar
>>>> Skype: dr-phone.
>>>> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
>>>> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Bernard Hemmings" <li...@bhemmings.net>
>>>> To: "talks" <talks@talksusers.com>
>>>> Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 3:13 AM
>>>> Subject: [Talks] a major problem.
>>>>> Well lists after nokia replaced the wifi chip in my e72 it still would
>>>>> not connect to the web via wireless networks there networks as well as
>>>>> mine. they gave me a replacement handset but unfortunately not a new
>>>>> one
>>>>> but a phone that was owned before by another telstra user.  Guess what
>>>>> it has the same problem.
>>>>> You see telstra send 4 destinations containing 3 access points.
>>>>> interestingly 2 of the destinations have the same name
>>>>> "internet"
>>>>> These protected destinations can not be removed not even by a hard
>>>>> reset. I believe either the two destinations having the same name or
>>>>> the
>>>>> fact they can not be deleted cause the format process to abort when the
>>>>> data can't be deleted.  After all formats never go round a problem
>>>>> unless a skip process is built in.  with my old e72  if the wlan wizard
>>>>> was open it would connect to sites addresses but this would not permit
>>>>> built in apps that access their own servers to work.
>>>>> With this handset I tried the way they used but still no go the invalid
>>>>> server name keeps coming up.  The status bar indicates it's connected
>>>>> to
>>>>> the router and the lan works perfectly when I use the telexy software
>>>>> or
>>>>> the home media feature.
>>>>> I think Nokia this week when I go back to the service centre will have
>>>>> a
>>>>> go at blaming talks.  The handsets they tried last week would connect
>>>>> to the web via wifi networks and they will point out that talks was not
>>>>> installed.  The telstra protected destinations  were on this handset
>>>>> when I got it there was no sticker on the screen and it did not have
>>>>> that new mobile phone smell they all have when you take them from their
>>>>> box.  If you try and alter these protected destinations the error
>>>>> unable
>>>>> to edit protected settings comes up.  you can open the destinations and
>>>>> delete the access points.  The nokia techs told me they can't delete
>>>>> the
>>>>> destinations either which I find a little difficult to believe, but if
>>>>> this is the case then it's no wonder the format or hard reset does not
>>>>> complete.  As other e72 owners are using the lates firmware  with out
>>>>> this problem that is obviously not the cause.  If you format the
>>>>> handset
>>>>> with these telstra destinations in place you get a beep after 20
>>>>> seconds
>>>>> or so and the next time you power up the phone I think it has another
>>>>> go
>>>>> at formatting because you don't hear the power up music and 30 seconds
>>>>> after reboot you hear a beep.  My replacement handset did this the
>>>>> first
>>>>> time I powered it up.
>>>>> I don't know if other providers lock their destination in this way.
>>>>> However it looks as if I may have discovered a problem in that
>>>>> handsets running the same symian version as the e72 and their owners
>>>>> use
>>>>> telstra if a hard reset is performed the phone will not be able to use
>>>>> the internet via their wireless networks.  Keep in mind nokia techs
>>>>> tried to use the net on 3 different WLANS with my e72 and they got the
>>>>> same error as I do at home.
>>>>> I've tried both factory reset and hard reset which won't make the
>>>>> problem go away.  As I am sick of visiting the nokia service centre I'm
>>>>> hoping someone on the list who know more about phone than I do can
>>>>> suggest something.  Hopefully I am wrong re the telstra protected
>>>>> destinations. Currently every web address I enter including
>>>>> http://www.blindsea.com
>>>>> returns the error invalid server name.  When using the carrier's access
>>>>> point  it works perfectly.
>>>>> Now a more synical person than myself would say it's Telstra trying to
>>>>> make users use their data services, I'm not claiming this yet but I do
>>>>> wonder how many others have run in to the problem but are to busy to
>>>>> spend days at their local nokia service centre and just use telstra's
>>>>> data services and keep their usage to a minimum. all I have done is
>>>>> install talks and set up my access point.  No other software has been
>>>>> installed on this replacement handset.
>>>>> Bernard Hemmings
>>>>> email: bern...@bhemmings.net
>>>>> Skype: Bernard Hemmings
>>>>> Ftp server email: ser...@bhemmings.net
>>>>> ftp server address: livingaudio.bhemmings.net
>>>>> Home: 61-02-95841280
>>>>> Mobile: 61-0412177799
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