
I was able to use my WiFi connection to download the radio station list in
the FM Radio on the N86.

I do understand what you are saying, but it's just a configuration thing, no
biggie surely...

even if you have 10 applications installed on your phone which do not use
the default settings under the connection, we're talking 10 changes and
you're off.

when launching the web on the N86 I have my phone set to always ask about

by default it is set to internet, so then this takes the choice of priority
from the connection settings in Tools.

it shows me a choice, connect using... internet WiFi, then I can arrow down
to internet O2 who is my carrier.

Twitter @neilbarnfather

Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Bernard Hemmings
Sent: 12 September 2010 13:00
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] a major problem with Telstra access points

yes but even if you change the default connection to your home land Neil 
this does not carry through to all programs.  In fact even if you have the 
default connection set to wlan and the web browser is still set to telstra 
internet it will use the telstra setting unless you go in to web settings 
and change it.  Real player will do the same.  You see when telstra sends 
it's config settings when you save them it makes telstra your default 
connection for most if not all apps so as well as setting this in settings 
connections it also saves this in just about every application.  Where this 
is not true is in the fm radio but as you can only use your carrier to 
download the station directory it does not matter because when you run it 
for the first time that is your only option.
I know about default connections and priority but if each program is set to 
use a given access point then that setting over rides what ever default 
connection you may set in settings connections.
Before I ever raised this on the list I tried everything I could think of to

solve the issues.
Bernard Hemmings
Skype: Bernard Hemmings
Ftp server email:
ftp server address:
Home: 61-02-95841280
Mobile: 61-0412177799

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav" <>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] a major problem with Telstra access points

> Bernard,
> you are able to change the priority of internet connections, i.e. create
> your WLAN WiFi connection, this should end up in the Internet category, 
> now
> simply press the options key, there's an option here to move the item up 
> and
> down the list so that the WLAN option has a higher priority.
> Now I'm thinking that there's nothing wrong with your phone and that it is
> simply that you are not understanding what it is telling you.
> My Nokia N86 also has these categories, with the network carriers options 
> in
> there too. I just add my WLAN and amend the priority setting.
> thanks.
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] 
> On
> Behalf Of Bernard Hemmings
> Sent: 12 September 2010 12:05
> To: Talks Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Talks] a major problem.
> Stephen another point that to me the more I think about it is suspicious 
> is
> that telstra create 4 destinations the first of which is called internet
> containing one access point the second  multi media msg also containing 
> one
> access point the third is wap services also containing an access point
> almost a copy of the first and the last is called internet which has no
> access points.  As you can't delete this most people will use it for their
> wlan access point.
> Now in a number of programs when you wish to select the access point only
> the destination name is mentioned while other programs do mention the 
> access
> point.
> So if you are not very careful when selecting between the 2 internets you
> could very easily use the wrong one especially if you had both access 
> points
> set to use automatically.  The only reason I know which one is by 
> listening
> to talks saying in what position the one I want is in the list so the
> telstra internet  access point may be 2 of 6 where as the internet
> destination containing my wlan access point will be 6 of 6.
> I have talks list view set to speak one if you had it on never you simply
> would not know which one was which.  So other telstra users with a 
> different
> talks setting could be using the telstra access point and never know  till
> their bill arrives.
> Had they called it something like WLAN internet that would be different.
> Now adding the fact  their seems to be a problem with wireless lan web
> access and you were using one of the apps that just give the destination
> name when selecting access point it does make you think
> I tried exactly what you suggested below with this handset as I did not 
> want
> to accidentally save the protected destinations that arrive in a text
> message from telstra.  as soon as I had talks installed I went to the
> destinations but the telstra settings were already present.  On my first 
> e72
> that is when I purchased it there were no access points defined and when I
> save them all was fine but after formatting the phone it would no longer
> access the web via WLAN.
> Bernard Hemmings
> email:
> Skype: Bernard Hemmings
> Ftp server email:
> ftp server address:
> Home: 61-02-95841280
> Mobile: 61-0412177799
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Stephen Giggar" <>
> To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 7:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [Talks] a major problem.
>> Bernard
>> Just a thought! If you get a new handset or you try a format! Leave the
>> Sim card out in either case. This away when the phone comes up initially
>> after the format with no sim in it or it is a brand new phone with no sim
>> in it. Then install Talks with no Sim in it. Then try setting up your 
>> WiFi
>> access point and see if it works with no Sim ever being in the phone. 
>> This
>> away it is hoped that there will be no access point in the phone at all
>> when starting out.
>> If this works with Talks with no sim ever being in the phone! Then put 
>> the
>> sim in the phone and power it up. When you get the messages from telstra
>> Cancel out of them with SoftKey2, do not accept them. Then go into your
>> inbox on the phone and delete the messages! Do not open them.
>> Now try again with using your access point with Talks and see what
>> happens.
>> Good luck!
>> Signed: Stephen Giggar
>> Skype: dr-phone.
>> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
>> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Bernard Hemmings" <>
>> To: "talks" <>
>> Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 3:13 AM
>> Subject: [Talks] a major problem.
>>> Well lists after nokia replaced the wifi chip in my e72 it still would
>>> not connect to the web via wireless networks there networks as well as
>>> mine. they gave me a replacement handset but unfortunately not a new one
>>> but a phone that was owned before by another telstra user.  Guess what 
>>> it
>>> has the same problem.
>>> You see telstra send 4 destinations containing 3 access points.
>>> interestingly 2 of the destinations have the same name
>>> "internet"
>>> These protected destinations can not be removed not even by a hard 
>>> reset.
>>> I believe either the two destinations having the same name or the fact
>>> they can not be deleted cause the format process to abort when the data
>>> can't be deleted.  After all formats never go round a problem unless a
>>> skip process is built in.  with my old e72  if the wlan wizard was open
>>> it would connect to sites addresses but this would not permit built in
>>> apps that access their own servers to work.
>>> With this handset I tried the way they used but still no go the invalid
>>> server name keeps coming up.  The status bar indicates it's connected to
>>> the router and the lan works perfectly when I use the telexy software or
>>> the home media feature.
>>> I think Nokia this week when I go back to the service centre will have a
>>> go at blaming talks.  The handsets they tried last week would connect 
>>> to
>>> the web via wifi networks and they will point out that talks was not
>>> installed.  The telstra protected destinations  were on this handset 
>>> when
>>> I got it there was no sticker on the screen and it did not have that new
>>> mobile phone smell they all have when you take them from their box.  If
>>> you try and alter these protected destinations the error unable to edit
>>> protected settings comes up.  you can open the destinations and delete
>>> the access points.  The nokia techs told me they can't delete the
>>> destinations either which I find a little difficult to believe, but if
>>> this is the case then it's no wonder the format or hard reset does not
>>> complete.  As other e72 owners are using the lates firmware  with out
>>> this problem that is obviously not the cause.  If you format the handset
>>> with these telstra destinations in place you get a beep after 20 seconds
>>> or so and the next time you power up the phone I think it has another go
>>> at formatting because you don't hear the power up music and 30 seconds
>>> after reboot you hear a beep.  My replacement handset did this the first
>>> time I powered it up.
>>> I don't know if other providers lock their destination in this way.
>>> However it looks as if I may have discovered a problem in that 
>>> handsets
>>> running the same symian version as the e72 and their owners use telstra
>>> if a hard reset is performed the phone will not be able to use the
>>> internet via their wireless networks.  Keep in mind nokia techs tried to
>>> use the net on 3 different WLANS with my e72 and they got the same error
>>> as I do at home.
>>> I've tried both factory reset and hard reset which won't make the 
>>> problem
>>> go away.  As I am sick of visiting the nokia service centre I'm hoping
>>> someone on the list who know more about phone than I do can suggest
>>> something.  Hopefully I am wrong re the telstra protected destinations.
>>> Currently every web address I enter including
>>> returns the error invalid server name.  When using the carrier's access
>>> point  it works perfectly.
>>> Now a more synical person than myself would say it's Telstra trying to
>>> make users use their data services, I'm not claiming this yet but I do
>>> wonder how many others have run in to the problem but are to busy to
>>> spend days at their local nokia service centre and just use telstra's
>>> data services and keep their usage to a minimum. all I have done is
>>> install talks and set up my access point.  No other software has been
>>> installed on this replacement handset.
>>> Bernard Hemmings
>>> email:
>>> Skype: Bernard Hemmings
>>> Ftp server email:
>>> ftp server address:
>>> Home: 61-02-95841280
>>> Mobile: 61-0412177799
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