Maybe you need yet another new phone!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernard Hemmings" <>
To: "talks" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 9:13 AM
Subject: [Talks] a major problem.
Well lists after nokia replaced the wifi chip in my e72 it still would not
connect to the web via wireless networks there networks as well as mine.
they gave me a replacement handset but unfortunately not a new one but a
phone that was owned before by another telstra user. Guess what it has
the same problem.
You see telstra send 4 destinations containing 3 access points.
interestingly 2 of the destinations have the same name
These protected destinations can not be removed not even by a hard reset.
I believe either the two destinations having the same name or the fact
they can not be deleted cause the format process to abort when the data
can't be deleted. After all formats never go round a problem unless a
skip process is built in. with my old e72 if the wlan wizard was open it
would connect to sites addresses but this would not permit built in apps
that access their own servers to work.
With this handset I tried the way they used but still no go the invalid
server name keeps coming up. The status bar indicates it's connected to
the router and the lan works perfectly when I use the telexy software or
the home media feature.
I think Nokia this week when I go back to the service centre will have a
go at blaming talks. The handsets they tried last week would connect to
the web via wifi networks and they will point out that talks was not
installed. The telstra protected destinations were on this handset when
I got it there was no sticker on the screen and it did not have that new
mobile phone smell they all have when you take them from their box. If
you try and alter these protected destinations the error unable to edit
protected settings comes up. you can open the destinations and delete the
access points. The nokia techs told me they can't delete the destinations
either which I find a little difficult to believe, but if this is the case
then it's no wonder the format or hard reset does not complete. As other
e72 owners are using the lates firmware with out this problem that is
obviously not the cause. If you format the handset with these telstra
destinations in place you get a beep after 20 seconds or so and the next
time you power up the phone I think it has another go at formatting
because you don't hear the power up music and 30 seconds after reboot you
hear a beep. My replacement handset did this the first time I powered it
I don't know if other providers lock their destination in this way.
However it looks as if I may have discovered a problem in that handsets
running the same symian version as the e72 and their owners use telstra if
a hard reset is performed the phone will not be able to use the internet
via their wireless networks. Keep in mind nokia techs tried to use the
net on 3 different WLANS with my e72 and they got the same error as I do
at home.
I've tried both factory reset and hard reset which won't make the problem
go away. As I am sick of visiting the nokia service centre I'm hoping
someone on the list who know more about phone than I do can suggest
something. Hopefully I am wrong re the telstra protected destinations.
Currently every web address I enter including
returns the error invalid server name. When using the carrier's access
point it works perfectly.
Now a more synical person than myself would say it's Telstra trying to
make users use their data services, I'm not claiming this yet but I do
wonder how many others have run in to the problem but are to busy to spend
days at their local nokia service centre and just use telstra's data
services and keep their usage to a minimum. all I have done is install
talks and set up my access point. No other software has been installed on
this replacement handset.
Bernard Hemmings
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