Ciao skyone

Se hai voglia gli puoi inoltrare questo thread che avevo aperto il 1/6
sulla lista internazionale degli import (per altro non ricevendo alcun
successivo commento/cazziata):

di più francamente non saprei cosa rispondere..

Gianmario Mengozzi

- sent by Android phone
Il giorno 28/giu/2012 10:14, "Sky One" <> ha scritto:

> Scusate se reintervengo sulla cosa, ma mi ha ricontattato pnorman per
> continuare a fare le pulci (erroneamente e gli ho risposto per le
> rime) sull'import. C'è una cosa che però devo girare alla lista:
> If the Italian documentation is leading people to ignore the
> guidelines then the documentation should be looked at.
> Allora, o le indicazioni per l'import[1] sono sbagliate (ed ha ragione
> a dire che vadano corrette - prego chi "capisce di import"
> (quasi-cit.) di fare le opportune correzioni), oppure è tutto
> corretto, anche se fatto non seguendo pedissequamente le linee guida,
> e allora metto un filtro (mentale) ai messaggi di questo tizio. Questo
> è uno dei momenti in cui rimpiango il fatto che OSM non abbia una
> gerarchia...
> Ciao
> [1]:
> Ciao SkyOne,
> pnorman ti ha inviato un messaggio tramite OpenStreetMap con l'oggetto
> Re: Imports:
> ==
> Sorry for the delay - other matters have occupied my time.
> On 2012-06-01 07:13:58 UTC SkyOne wrote:
> On 2012-06-01 06:01:36 UTC pnorman wrote:
> I noticed you importing in Italy in the changeset
> I looked for documentation for this import, but couldn't find any.
> Could you please point me at the wiki documentation and the discussion
> on the imports mailing list that happened before this import? As a
> remind, the import guidelines are at
> You can find the page about importing/mapping data from Regione Emilia
> Romagna here:
> Could you see that the import information gets added to the import
> catalogue?
> There are the Talk-it's threads about what to do after the earthquake
> and how to import data:
> They also call for imports to be done from a dedicated account.
> Providing links in the profile of that account to the import
> documentation can be helpful
> It also looks you deleted all the existing buildings, for example
> and
> The second one had tags on it.
> I made the import how it's described in the "Inserimento con JOSM"
> paragraph of the
> page. I do a resume for you: 1) open the OSM file derived from the
> Regione Emilia Romagna's DB 2) open the same area 3) check (manually!)
> what buildings are in the OSM DB now and are/aren't in the Regione
> Emilia Romagna's datas and delete the double ones: this is made 'cause
> the buildings in the Regione Emilia Romagna's DB are better than the
> previously 4) check with the "PCN 2006" WMS that the building are
> georeferenced correctly 5) upload data to OSM
> If the Italian documentation is leading people to ignore the
> guidelines then the documentation should be looked at.
> Why did you delete these? It looks like you deleted existing data to
> import data, which is not recommended.
> As I said, the new datas are better than the older. As you can see
> it's not an "automatic" import, but there's always a human check ...
> My recollection was in the two cases I linked the imported data was
> worse. I'm downloading the data to check, but I know one of them had a
> tag.
> --
> Cià
> Cristiano / Sky One
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