For such import, it would be more valuable to just post some datafile (e.g.
some CSV file containing addresses) without the geocoding.

Then we could create a tack to validate each point with suggestion of

E.g. the "Osmose" QA tool (widely used in France) can import such data
file, use its own legal geocoding based on OSM addresses from the joint
open "BANO" project where there's a cooperation between official French
public providers and OSM) and *propose* placements on the map, without
doing any import directly.

So please consider positing your data file (with enough fields for the
types of nodes that would allow their classification and tagging, with the
data you have about the kinds of charging stations, in addition to their
addresses in plain text) rather than making a mass import.

Such data file should not be very large (a few hundreds or thousands rows)
and is suitable for handling in the task lists implemented in French QA
tools. This strategy works well for lots of French data to integrate.
Osmose has a specific category named "To integrate" for such data.

Le sam. 25 avr. 2020 à 19:54, Georges Dutreix via Talk-fr <> a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Le 25/04/2020 à 18:22, a écrit :
> >
> > It seems more logic to consider the charging station as part of the
> > hostel, amenity...
> > (charging_station=bicycle;charging_station:brand=Bosch eBike
> > PowerStation)
> >
> >
> I had also this feeling.
> We could imagine, the same way, a mass import of nespresso coffee
> dispensers or beverage vending machines, installed inside restaurants
> and cafés.
> Adding a service proposed by a restaurant like (charging_station=...)
> would be better.
> j'avais aussi cette impression en imaginant arriver des imports massifs
> de machines nespresso ou distributeurs de boissons installés dans les
> restos ou cafés.
> Ce n'est juste qu'un service offert par un resto et
> (charging_station=...) serait mieux.
> Georges
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