2017-02-18 21:10 GMT+01:00 Philippe Verdy <verd...@wanadoo.fr>:

Et c'est encore plus vrai pour WeeklyOSM quand la source originale n'est en
> fait même pas l'anglais (souvent l'allemand, l'espagnol ou le russe), et où
> la version anglais proposée comme source est en fait une traduction
> approchante qui peut déjà contenir des tas de fautes de sens ou de
> grammaire non corrigées (surtout celles venant en fait du russe et de
> l'espagnol dont les locuteurs maîtrisent souvent plus mal l'anglais que les
> germanophones...) ce qui "perd" encore plus les traducteurs automatiques
> partant de cette traduction anglaise approximative.

@all pardonnez moi, que je dise ici quelque chose en anglais. Je promesse,
que je termine - pour ma part - cette discussion.
Sorry, I admire your language, but I must correct some things, which are
really not as correct as they could be.

Let me tell it once again and very clear: You are talking about a process,
that you don't know - not at all.

I repeat here in short words again:

1. each language is produced by native speakers.
2. if an article is in ES, the ES deliver an EN as well.  (Yes, in a not
perfect EN)
3. The EN is checked by at least two native speakers - or as in this example
<http://imgur.com/25eQCae> 4 (in words four) experienced mappers
4. Where do you see a problem, when an article is written in Spanish and
English by a mapper from Bolivia, the English corrected by a mapper in
Australia, Canda, India and London? The result should be a nearly perfect
English. Do you agree?
4.1. Don't forget that the Spanish version is corrected by native speakers
as well. a least two, in this example four people as well
5. Wehre is now the problem, if I translate it into German? And be aware
the German version is proofread be at least two German native speaker. -
What is your quality issue?

May be you have better porcesses to deliver a better summary what happens
in the OSM ecosystem each week. We don't have.

Finally, let me admit that I personally see a real problem - we do not
report adequately about what is happening in the French community. French
community means not only France, but also francophone Africa and
francophone Canada.

Producing 52 versions per year is perhaps a bit more difficult and needs
more dedication than keeping a inflammatory speech

Anyway - I hope we see us in Avignon ;-)

## Manfred Reiter - -
## N49° 25' 11.028" E6° 50' 47.328"
## www.weeklyOSM.eu
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