Feb 25, 2023, 20:57 by g...@lexort.com:

> Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org> writes
>> what worse, even if tagged in say highway=service this gate may
>> be not large enough to fit a car
> highway=service by definition is enough for cars so if there is a gate
> on a highway=service that does admit cars on both sides, but is not wide
> enough for a car, then I would say this is mistagged and there should be
> a short way that is path or whatever.
Good point, I even argued for that viewpoint recently.
Still, car can fit but maybe lets say that bus will not fit.

>>> With
>>>  access=private
>>>  foot=yes
>>>  locked=yes
>>> then it says that phsical passage is not possible and hence if people
>>> can walk around then it needs a way representing walking around.
>> this one is tricky and expecting that it will be used consistently
>> will not work well
> True, but we have to guess at what is right, and then when users do it
> wrong explain and fix.
I kind of hope for more clear solution.

>> +1 to separate bypass ways if matching reality
>> not sure how to handle cases where bypass way does not work
>> (for example you can crawl under lift gate, it is allowed, you cannot get 
>> around it)
> I guess that's still a separate way that's path with a height
> restriction, even if it overlaps.
I was thinking about case where there is no path at, you walk on road,
under lift gate.

>>> I realize there have  been "but we can invent complicated bypass tags"
>>> but those seem to not interact well with existing data consumers and it
>>> does not seem we have consensus.
>> +1 though some cases where bypass way does not work are annoying
> I think if we let it overlap it's ok.
If there is only road and there is no path then mapping path does
not work well either.
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