Vào lúc 17:24 2022-11-19, Matija Nalis đã viết:
On Sat, 19 Nov 2022 12:12:22 +0100 (CET), Cartographer10 via Tagging
<tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
This proposal makes sure there are 2 required platforms where people have to
announce it. That way people have the
choice to follow one of the two channels of their choice to get updated on
proposals. It is up to the proposal author
to announce it on other channels to increase the reach.
I'd at least put in a requirement that if proposal author announces the
discussion in X extra channels (i.e. anywhere
more than Tagging ML), that they must follow ALL that X extra channels and
summarize in Wiki Talk page all points that
have been risen (including those that they think don't matter or disagree with.
Especially those!) and THEN have extra
RFC period after all those X channels have been summarized, before proceeding
to the Voting.
Because, someone has to do that summarizing work for extra channels to make
sense, and it is IMHO only fair that would
be proposal author (expecting that EVERYBODY will do that SAME task is both
extremely wasteful, hugely unrealistic,
and likely to lead to few participating members willing to do that becoming
burned out prematurely).
There are already other communication channels announcing proposals
independently of the formal requirements. You've mentioned weeklyOSM
(which has a comments section) and I've mentioned OSMUS Slack.
Practically speaking, no one can fully understand the discussion in
every community. That's a much higher bar than just announcing something.
For example, I think it would be perfectly reasonable to alert OSM Japan
Slack about my next proposal, but my nonexistent Japanese skills would
be catastrophically inadequate to capture the sentiment there. It would
be better to candidly state upfront that I'm unable to respond to
individual comments there and direct interested mappers to the wiki talk
page, where hopefully others can engage as necessary.
All too often, a proposal announcement on this list ends with an
exhortation to comment on the wiki talk page, inevitably leading to a
long thread here instead. Where is the requirement to summarize the
tagging list thread, for the benefit of ordinary mappers who will be
voting but can't easily follow Mailman's deeply nested threads split
across monthly archives? After all, the proposal guidelines have never
required _voters_ to subscribe to the tagging list.
Maybe a better model would be for each community to take some of the
burden off the proposal and have one or more self-appointed liaisons
handle announcements and communicate the most salient ideas back to a
single source of truth (the wiki, or wherever we decide to hold votes in
the future). This would apply to the tagging list as well as the
community forum.
Tagging mailing list