Le 13.11.22 à 23:51, Brian M. Sperlongano a écrit :
The standard for a proposal, which purports to change tagging standards that affect *the entire community*, should be to advertise it as widely as possible.

of course, and the current proposal is not needed to "to advertise it as widely as possible."

it is entirely appropriate to say to a proposer "...and please also post a notice on the forum" to ensure maximum visibility and participation.

the current proposal is not about advice

The new forums are attracting a global audience

here is the logical error: no the forum does not attract a global audience, it may one day, now it is in test, half of the things do not work and therefore let us leave time to have a functional forum (including by email) in stead of trying to an attempts of discussion where the current majority of the participants are not, with an aim of satisfying those which do not produce for the moment much content level proposal (because if it were the case, the forum would be already very used for the discussion of the proposals of these people).

with the new forum linked to your osm.org user account

empty argument, the mailinglist is already linked to my osm account email, given that you only sign up once for 10 years, such a big change to gain one click to sign up is absurd compared to the fragmentation of discussions this "too-early" proposal will cause

doesn't require special software

mailing need a email client (including in a browser)
forum need a browser (which probably needs to be recent, poorly usable on phone, unusable in command line, difficult to interface if you want to make personalized notifications, etc) accessibility is certainly not in favour of the forums. (the blind person on the osm-fr mailing list was using email with his braille reader and not a forum)

pick a winner if and when this occurs.

This is a win-lose vision, whereas by giving the forum time to mature, there could be a merger of the 2 which would be win-win (and would render the current proposal useless as the same content would be accessible both by email and by a web interface, with unified instead
of fragmented discussions).
We can see it with the osm-fr experience: the immature forum has split the community, far from federating

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