Site relations are usually completely redundant if you just tag an
operator=* tag. A tourism=camp_site closed way or multipolygon is,
of course, a camp site, and a shop or parking area on or belonging to
that camp site should get an operator=* tag with the same tag value as the
name or operator of the camp site.

Grouping the tourism=camp_site area and all objects related to that camp
site in a site relation and calling that a camp site as a whole is a clear
violation of the One feature, one OSM element guideline, as the
tourism=camp_site is already the element for the camp site and the site
relation would unnecessarily duplicate that.

Op vr 11 nov. 2022 om 10:55 schreef Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <>:

> Nov 10, 2022, 21:49 by
> Yves via Tagging <> wrote:
> Site relations are often used to models thing that aren't spatially
> joined, like windfarms, universities... I can easily imagine it's
> reasonable to use them for campings in some corner cases where a single
> area doesn't work.
> Yes, let me clarify this with an example:
> E.g. This site has a working site relation (without tourism=camp_site
> removed):
> The camp_site node is
> Site relation is
> While it is currently tagged toilets=yes and openfire=yes this is not
> mandatory because evaluating the corresponding site relation will give us a
> toilet and a fireplace.
> So what I do with site relations here is basically the same I do with
> camp_site areas. With areas I check if any supported object is inside the
> area (spatial join) and assume that this is a feature of this particular
> camp_site.
> With site-relations this is even easier as I can consider all objects
> related to the site a feature of the camp-site in the relation.
> I think this is elegant especially in comparison to the alternatives
> suggested here like expanding the campsite polygon into areas open to the
> general public like reception desks, restaurants or even toilets also used
> by other facilities like sport-centers.
> obviously camp site should not be fakely expanded to cover nearby
> restaurants
> what about automatically detecting nearby restaurants/toilets and so on?
> rater than listing them manually with site relation (optionally, check
> operator tag - that would apply only in cases where there are multiple
> camp sites or other objects each with access=customers objects)
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