Am So., 9. Okt. 2022 um 12:22 Uhr schrieb Minh Nguyen <>:

> drinking_water=no is already approved for non-potable water, and there
> are non-Boolean values and drinking_water:legal=* if you'd like to split
> hairs.


> I'd expect that a tag for fountains and a tag for drinking
> fountains would both imply a default value for drinking_water=* by
> default, but the default should be overridden when more is known about
> the water source.

a tag for drinking fountains should definitely imply drinking_water=yes,
but amenity=fountain should not imply any default value for
"drinking_water", it should be checked and tagged explicitly. Expectations
change around the globe and while it could be approached with national or
regional defaults, I think it is better to be explicit (because a missing
value is not clear, can be default or unknown, and potability of water is
super important in this context).

> With a tag for water taps in general, it isn't as clear. But as a data
> consumer or user, I wouldn't be eager to assume that an outdoor tap is
> potable without more context. I've been to cemeteries in swampy New
> Orleans that have taps signposted "Water for Flowers" and never once
> considered that they might be hooked up to the municipal water system
> and maintained to the standard of a public drinking fountain.

yes, water taps on cemeteries, as far as I recall, have been the initial
reason for introducing man_made=water_tap (some people had started mapping
amenity=drinking_water drinking_water=no ;-) )


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