Apparently they are not decorative enough for some people and should be tagged amenity=drinking_water. However, the same type of fountain could have a sign saying the water is not potable

Thank you for the examples, this is what I was trying to address.

yes, if the water is drinkable, I would go with amenity=drinking_water, if it isn’t, maybe watering_place with drinking_water=no? Or if animals can’t drink it either, amenity=fountain seems ok.
It feels strange to me that the same exact structure might belong to three different primary tags according to whether the water provided is potable or not or if animals can use it or not.

Moreover, that same thing might have a tap, thus in that case you may wish to tag it in even more ways; you may decide to tag it as a tap or as a watering place or as a fountain.

Either tagging will not provide complete information about the object, but only partial according to which one you picked.

it’s not the same kind of feature if the water is drinkable in one case and 
isn’t in the other.
If I have two objects that look exactly the same, one providing drinking water and the other providing non potable water; I would expect them to be tagged through the same primary tag, with a secondary one describing whether the water is potable or not. As it is currently done for amenity=fountain and man_made=water_tap.

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