I love reading about all the German flavors here — and I'm not a bit surprised 
(as the German language loves to do this, and I love German for this!)

On Oct 8, 2022, at 11:20 PM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/10/22 22:36, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>>> On 8 Oct 2022, at 12:43, Enno Hermann <enno.herm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It does not make sense to me to use different tags for the same kind of 
>>> feature, so I generally use amenity=fountain for these with appropriate 
>>> subtags.
>> it’s not the same kind of feature if the water is drinkable in one case and 
>> isn’t in the other.
> Disagree, some are are the same feature .. taps can be drinking water .. or 
> 'not suitable for drinking' (legal CYA?), 'recommend you boil' (more CYA?), 
> and 'not suitable for drinking' (you really would not drink this stuff, just 
> look and smell it!)

Yes, taps CAN be drinking water, but not necessarily are.  For example, a 
hose_bib on a residence's "backyard porch" might be designed to attach a hose 
and water plants with a sprinkler or a hand-valve sprayer, but such a tap can 
also be declared "drinking water" (as it comes from the same source as drinking 
water taps indoors, often from municipal "treated water" — to make it drinkable 
— sources).

>> I don’t say we must use different main tags, but it could be justified if we 
>> did
> We don't use different main tags for roads that are private.. If it is the 
> same feature but has different properties secondary tags have been used.

Yeah, there seems to me (as I consider German, Italian, English, Polish, 
others...) many of the perspectives from the worldwide envelope we want to use 
to enclose this tagging, there will be a small number of primary / main tags 
(one or two, maybe three at most) and a whole host of secondary tags.  That's 
the tough part, selecting which are which, but I don't think we want a gigantic 
proliferation of primary / main tags.
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