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> On 8 Oct 2022, at 12:43, Enno Hermann <> wrote:
> One thing I keep wondering about on this topic is how to tag very simple 
> fountains that are widespread in Switzerland along hiking paths 
> ( 
> or in villages 
> ( 
> Apparently they are not decorative enough for some people and should be 
> tagged amenity=drinking_water. However, the same type of fountain could have 
> a sign saying the water is not potable 
> (, 

yes, if the water is drinkable, I would go with amenity=drinking_water, if it 
isn’t, maybe watering_place with drinking_water=no? Or if animals can’t drink 
it either, amenity=fountain seems ok. 

In general I believe we should have a property like trough=yes for situations 
where the water is collected in a trough and accessible to animals.

Feel free to make up a generic fountain tag for this kind of fountain.

If the water comes from a spring in loco, natural=spring should also be added 

Cheers Martin 
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