On 08/10/2022 05:39, Warin wrote:

On 8/10/22 04:54, Anne-Karoline Distel wrote:
I note that settlements are already on the values for the key
historic, e.g farm, manor, monastery, castle ... all places where
people lived. So historic=crannog would 'work'?

If people say they are archaeological sites then why not the above
farm, manor, monastery, castle etc???

Personally, I use historic=castle/ church/ creamery for ones that are in
ruins (wall(s) still standing in combination with building=ruins), not
ones that are archaeological sites (mostly ground level or below
ground). And crannogs, because of their material, tend to be
archaeological sites rather than ruins.

I'm not totally opposed to cutting out the "settlement" bit; maybe I
just like to categorize things more than other people.




Good luck. May need a strong drink.

On 07/10/2022 13:07, martianfreeloader wrote:
Being practical: Just use the settlement_type=crannog tag.
I'm totally fine this.

Being principal would be to approve the settlement_type=crannog.
I'm not fine with this for the reasons laid out.

On 07/10/2022 13:46, Peter Elderson wrote:
I am one of those who didn't bother to look what it's about.
I share the wish to tag crannogs as important historical structures
still existing today.
I share the criticism that _type does not mean anything. At the
same time I don't care if it is there or not; settlement=* also
does not say what kind of categorisation is used for the values.
But the settlement key ius already in (scarce) use for something
else, with values yes and no.

As for implicit approval of the higher tags, fine with me! They are
in actual use in a scheme, and for me that is good enough. If
anyone would start a separate vote for that, fine. If the current
vote is postponed till after, fine, it is the royal way I think,
but I think it is not necessary. I think we can be practical about
this, not principal. It's just not big enough.

Peter Elderson

Op vr 7 okt. 2022 om 13:10 schreef Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com

    On 07/10/2022 11:27, Marc_marc wrote:
     > Hello,
     > Le 07.10.22 à 12:11, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
     >> who cares for "in use" or "approved"
     > me :)
     > approved that means that the subject has been discussed,
     > that people have spent time on it, that there has been
     > an opportunity to detect problems, to propose improvements
     > it's quite different from an "in use", because a guy invented
    Unfortunately discussion and "voting" by people who have only the
    vaguest idea of what the thing being voted on is adds no
value*. There
    is a place on the "B Ark" for them...

    The fact that there was only one comment during the fortnight of
    discussion means that people really don't know (or don't care)
    these are, and people who do know and care (such as the proposer)
    probably "just map these".  Whether that's via
    (which is slightly ahead in taginfo) or
    little; there are few of them in OSM right now, and the word
    is characteristic enough, that they can fairly easily be
remapped into
    some "better" archaeological scheme at some later stage.

    What matters is getting them mapped, and getting from the 10s
    in OSM to the 1500 or so that apparently do or did exist**.

    Best Regards,


    * We still don't know what bicycle=designated means

    ** According to wikipedia.  I was surprised that there were
    as many as 1200 in Ireland.

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