On 01/08/2020 20.40, David Dean wrote:
I'm interested in proposing and/or documenting existing tagging approaches
of the wiki to ensure that all highway=service ways can have a service=?
associated tag. Having done, so I'm planning on resurrecting
https://github.com/westnordost/StreetComplete/issues/808 to help people get
all service roads appropriately tagged in their area.

At the moment, service=? can be (according to the wiki at

* service=parking_aisle
* service=driveway
* service=alley
* service=emergency_access
* service=drive-through

But service roads are also used for the 'main ways on a parking lot', and
there is also an indication of access to multiple businesses (like in an
industrial estate etc), and it looks like the documented way is to not to
provide a service=? tag in this case.

This seems problematic to me from a map maintenance purpose, as how do we
know if a highway=service just hasn't had a service=? tag applied yet, or
if it is one of the exceptions that does not get a service=? tag (and which
one is it?)

As someone who has recently tagged a number of ways thusly, I have to strongly agree that there needs to (continue to) be a way to mark such roads. It's also often unclear if an otherwise undesignated road with provides access to, or navigation of, a larger area (consider a mall perimeter road as an example), should be a "driveway".

*If* we need a tag (on which note, I'll point at Jason's list), what about something as simple as "service=access"? (IOW, Martin's line of thinking, except lose the confusing "collector".)

That said, service=main might be a good choice.

I would like to try to understand the highway=service usages that don't
have a current documented service=? tag and either propose an appropriate
tag or find examples of existing tagging to document.

You might start by taking a look at all such routes in Quantico, VA (as any such were probably tagged by me).

Parking lot access roads are a common example; I don't really feel that these are "driveways", but I also prefer to reserve "parking_aisle" for ways that actually *have* parking spaces along them.

Of course, Jason's list is quite good; this is more along the lines of if you want to go look at some *extant* examples where the lack of service= is known to be intentional.

At this stage I think appropriate tagging for some of the missing service=?
tagging indicated in the documentation would be:

service=parking -> main way in a parking lot, for connecting

As noted by others, I would strongly prefer parking_access.

service=parking_isles (used almost 2K times already:

What is a parking *isle*? I wonder how many of these are typos for "aisle"...

service=driveway -> also used for access to multiple businesses (like in an
industrial estate, etc)

*Maybe*, but this seems like an excessive stretch of what most people would consider a "driveway".

OTOH, my suggested service=access could be seen to overlap with driveway. Maybe it would be better to provide that while also narrowing the definition of "driveway"?

service=driveway/drive-through -> Service way for access to a fuel station

IMHO, a drive-through is a very specific type of way which involves a service window. *Maybe* you could argue for that in case of a full-service fuel station, but I wouldn't use it otherwise. (Note: "drive through" implies that the vehicle will engage in stopping but no standing or parking.)


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