service=parking_access also sounds most clear to me.

On the other hand, service=parking is already used almost 2000 times so
documenting that as "main access road in a parking" would just be
documenting the status quo, no proposal necessary, which is certainly

IF after research one can actually conclude that service=parking is
really used for that purpose and not for all kinds of roads in parking
that should actually be parking_aisles. So before reaching a conclusion,
I'd strongly suggest to first analyse a bit what really is the status
quo with service=parking.


On 03/08/2020 11:25, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Am Mo., 3. Aug. 2020 um 11:06 Uhr schrieb Tom Pfeifer
> < <>>:
>     Possibilities discussed were:
>     service=parking_access
>     service=main
>     service=access
>     service=major
> apart "access", all of these seem better than "parking". My preference
> would go to the more neutral "main" or "major"
> Cheers
> Martin
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