On 03/08/2020 19.56, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
On Tue, 4 Aug 2020 at 01:10, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
Parking lot access roads are a common example; I don't really feel that
these are "driveways", but I also prefer to reserve "parking_aisle" for
ways that actually *have* parking spaces along them.

Main through road across the front of the shopping centre, with
parking_aisles opening off it, put with a dozen or so specialised parking
spaces (disabled, ambulance, reserved, electric vehicle charging) on it -
does that change it from "access" to another parking aisle?

Maybe. It's possible I'd tag that as a parking_aisle. The point was more though that I wouldn't use parking_aisle for something that *doesn't* have parking spaces.

service=driveway/drive-through -> Service way for access to a fuel station

IMHO, a drive-through is a very specific type of way which involves a
service window. *Maybe* you could argue for that in case of a
full-service fuel station, but I wouldn't use it otherwise. (Note:
"drive through" implies that the vehicle will engage in stopping but no
standing or parking.)

No, driveway/-through is good for a fuel station, as well as anywhere else
that you don't get out of your car to be served eg take-away, car wash,
bottle shop (liquor store)

"Anywhere else that you don't get out of your car to be served" is effectively what I proposed, but (at least in the US, nearly all) fuel stations do *not* meet that criteria.


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