>  - Roads through cemeteries
>  - Roads through campgrounds
>  - Roads through schools
>  - Roads through universities
>  - Roads through hotels
>  - Roads through museums
>  - Roads through prisons
>  - Roads through military areas
>  - Roads through airports
>  - Roads through retirement homes
>  - Roads through resorts
>  - Roads through reservoirs (sometimes over dams)
>  - Roads through ski areas
>  - Roads that serve privately-owned inholdings surrounded by public land
>  - Maintenance roads in parks
>  - Private semi-residential roads that serve multiple driveways
>  - Non-public roads though industrial areas

Good list!

So what all these have in common is that they are not public roads not
intended for through-traffic. They are all on private/public properties.
So maybe they could be summarized under service=property, with a
description like "roads on (private) large properties, such as on
hospital grounds, cemeteries, camping grounds, industrial or commercial

Another kind of service road that comes to my mind would be just a piece
of paved way that is broad enough for a car somewhere in the nowhere
(countryside, forest) that does not obviously belong to any property but
also does not lead to any house or parking area. It is not tagged as a
highway=path because it is broad enough for cars and it is not tagged as
highway=track because oftentimes such tracks that are well paved and not
obviously for agricultural/forestry usage are simply tagged that way.
So in other words, it is "just" a service road but a subtype is unknown,
much like a subtype is often unknown for highway=footway ("It is just a


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