On Thu, 2020-07-23 at 09:35 -0400, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> On 22/07/2020 19.05, bkil wrote:
> > But also consider that it wouldn't make sense to tag a motorway as
> > foot=no + bicycle=dismount (+ moped=dismount + mofa=dismount +
> > auto_rickshaw=no + agricultural=no), because the combination of
> > tags would
> > create a completely new meaning, and that is not a preferred
> > tagging
> > practice in OSM.
> > 
> > I.e., bicycle=dismount means that you can proceed after you
> > dismount,
> > however if a certain combination of other tags are also present
> > (foot=no),
> > a data user would need to ignore this, making this more confusing
> > than
> > necessary (bicycle=no).
> I'm trying (and failing) to imagine a road/path/whatever that you
> are 
> allowed to walk on *iff* you are pushing a bicycle (or moped or...).
> Do 
> you know of any examples?

I cannot think of many roads where you can walk but not cycle, other
than pedestrianised streets in town centres but you can walk on lots of
footpaths where you can push a bicycle. Some are too long and totally

A few of examples from my local big town



Phil (trigpoint)

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