On 22/07/2020 19.05, bkil wrote:
But also consider that it wouldn't make sense to tag a motorway as
foot=no + bicycle=dismount (+ moped=dismount + mofa=dismount +
auto_rickshaw=no + agricultural=no), because the combination of tags would
create a completely new meaning, and that is not a preferred tagging
practice in OSM.
I.e., bicycle=dismount means that you can proceed after you dismount,
however if a certain combination of other tags are also present (foot=no),
a data user would need to ignore this, making this more confusing than
necessary (bicycle=no).
I'm trying (and failing) to imagine a road/path/whatever that you are
allowed to walk on *iff* you are pushing a bicycle (or moped or...). Do
you know of any examples?
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