Le jeu. 28 mai 2020 à 22:07, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> My very first attempts at editing with JOSM, some years ago, were
> adding hiking paths.  I followed JOSM's templates, with
> 'Highways->Ways->Path' appearing to be a natural match, and got
> `highway=path foot=designated etc.` for the constructed path.
> I uploaded the result.
> Another mapper gave me a (very mild) scolding, changed them all to
> `footway`, and steered me to the JOSM templates for dedicated footway,
> dedicated cycleway, bridleway, combined foot/cycleway, and so on.
> Since then,I've been using those, which causes `highway=path` to
> appear for any combined foot/cycleway, but causes `highway=footway` to
> appear for anything from a broad paved path in a city park to a
> technical wilderness trail.

> According to Florimond, that's correct. According to Daniel, that's
> read as an assertion that the technical trail is an urban footway.
> According to the Wiki, it depends on what page you read and how far
> you get into the comments. According to the mapped data, it varies
> considerably according to where you are. (Near me, there's a major
> cycleway - paved doubletrack - that's 'highway=path bicycle=designated
> foot=yes'. I walk a few km on it nearly every day.) To a data
> consumer, it's "oh well, I don't know what it is" and either an
> optimistic assumption that it's routable or a pessimistic assumption
> that it isn't.

I agree that the wiki is too much wordy and definition and instruction is
placed in too many places.
Adding words don't make documentation clearer it makes things more
complicate to read, to understand and to maintain.
We should use simple rules :
key definition is only on its page, value definition on the its page or on
the key page if there is no need for special page.
Keep definition as simple as possible.

Florimond Berthoux
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