> 27 maj 2020 kl. 12:42 skrev Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com>:
> […]how to indicate that a path is a hiking trail. It has been proposed to 
> introduce a new value path=trail or path=hiking for that purpose. 
> As we do already have the sac_scale tagging for level of difficulty of hiking 
> paths and the lowest level of that is sac_scale=hiking. This would correspond 
> exactly, in my view, to the new proposed tag value(s) without introducing a 
> new tagging.
> sac_scale=hiking is used 319 785 times - so I do not see a need to create a 
> new tagging meaning exactly the same thing.

Would it be wrong to set sac_scale=hiking on an urban footway? I’m worried that 
we’ll get highway=path, foot=designated, cycle=designated, surface=paved, 
width=2.5, lit=yes, rubbish_bins_every=100m, sac_scale=hiking.
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