On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 09:58:50PM -0400, Kevin Kenny wrote:
> On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 9:52 PM Graeme Fitzpatrick
> <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > We have a similar system here
> >
> > The Australian Walking Track Grading System
> >
> > Grade 1 is suitable for the disabled with assistance
> > Grade 2 is suitable for families with young children
> > Grade 3 is recommended for people with some bushwalking experience
> > Grade 4 is recommended for experienced bushwalkers, and
> > Grade 5 is recommended for very experienced bushwalkers
> And all five of those grades are sac_scale=hiking, which is why I say
> that's an impossible scale to use for the purpose we're considering.

That's not correct. If you have a look at
you'll notice that only from sac_scale=demanding_mountain_hiking the
scale starts to have the requirement "basic alpine expericence" and
"good hiking shoes".

So: Only Grade 1 and 2 are clear sac_scale=hiking. Grade 4 would map
to sac_scale=mountain_hiking and Grade 5 to sac_scale=demanding_mountain_hiking.
Grade 3 is a bit inbetween but I'd probably put it under
sac_scale=mountain_hiking to be on the safe side.

The SAC scale grades 1-3 are quite helpful. It's just the blue scales 4-6
which are not really applicable in OSM because very few routes of that
scale would fall under the highway=path classification (even under the
catch-all definition of OSM).


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