May 22, 2020, 13:55 by

> On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 21:44, Daniel Westergren <>> > wrote:
>> Yeah, I guess there's no way to force the user to add a surface tag when 
>> adding a highway=path. We could also use analyzing tools to look for recent 
>> edits with only highway=path and comment to users about the use of surface 
>> etc.
> I think that's a step too far, while it's nice for people to add extra 
> attributes and we should try to make it easier for mappers to discover what 
> tags there are and use them, there is no obligation to, the same way a 
> building=yes on a node is much appreciated even if it's not traced out in a 
> way and has the building type mapped, a lone highway=path is still useful 
> alone.
Improving editors would be a better step, such extreme nagging is more likely 
to discourage people.

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